Wednesday, December 12, 2012

keep the kids play room clean for their benefit

Today I cleaned the play area of my toddler. What a big difference it made in how she played.

I am not always on top of keeping my place totally clean, but I would not be embarrassed if someone came over. However, I deep the deep cleaning when Thanksgiving came around. After the holiday, I places on picking up a bit. The kid's room and living room were just littered with toys. As the toys piled up, the less interested she was in independent play.

Today I had enough of wading through the lake of toys and cleaned up. Everyone I do toy clean up, I sort them in general categories.
- books
-stuffed animals
-stacking (block, stacking rings, cardboard bricks)
-things that take batteries
-smaller toy in a bin

I acquired a 7 ft shelf and it is now on it's side making 8 cubbies for her to access.

Today after putting her toy into the cubbies, leaving the play area floor clean, she was more content to play on her own. Now she can go a pick out the toy she wants and has room to play.

I love to play with my little one and frequently am on the floor playing with her. The independent play gives me a chance to do dishes and other chores. When her toys were every where, she was so clingy that I felt I couldn't get anything done.

Now I see where being neat is very beneficial to all in the home.

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